Let’s learn about the structure of the pubic symphysis (symphysis pubica).
It is a structure that connects the symphyseal surfaces of the pubic bones facing each other (facies symphysialis).
The pubic symphysis consists of a fibrous-cartilaginous interpubic disc (discus interpubicum) and several ligaments.
Inside the disc there is a fissure-like cavity located in the sagittal plane.
The ligamentous apparatus of the pubic symphysis includes:
The superior pubic ligament (ligamentum pubicum superius), which is located above the symphysis, connects the pubic bones in the transverse direction.
The inferior or arcuate pubic ligament (ligamentum arcuatum pubis), which adheres to the symphysis from below and fills the apex of the subpubic angle (angulus subpubicus).
There are virtually no motions taking place in the pubic symphysis, basically it performs a cushioning function when walking or running. It also plays an important role in ensuring the successful passage of the fetus through the birth canal.
The following vessels and nerves take part in the blood supply and innervation of the joint.
Arteries: inferior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica inferior), internal iliac artery (a. iliaca interna)
Veins: the blood outflows through the veins with the same name.
Nerves: obturator nerve (n. obturatorius)
Pubic symphysis
- Pubic symphysis
- symphysis pubica
- Interpubic disc
- discus interpubicus
- Superior pubic ligament
- ligamentum pubicum superius
- Inferior pubic ligament
- ligamentum arcuatum pubis
- Subpubic angle
- angulus subpubicus