Radiocarpal (wrist) joint

Radiocarpal (wrist) joint: Anatomy & FunctionAnatomy, functions, innervation and blood supply of the radiocarpal (wrist) joint.
~ 2-3 min

The bones of the wrist are connected to the forearm by the wrist joint (articulatio radiocarpalis).

Wrist joint – sawing (art. radiocarpalis)
Wrist joint – sawing (art. radiocarpalis)
Wrist joint – back surface (art. radiocarpalis)
Wrist joint – back surface (art. radiocarpalis)
Wrist joint – palmar surface (art. radiocarpalis)
It is formed between:

It is formed between:

  • The carpal articular surface of the radius (facies articularis carpalis)

    Carpal articular surface of the radius (facies articularis carpalis)
    Carpal articular surface of the radius (facies articularis carpalis)
  • The triangular articular disc (discus triangularis)

    Triangular articular disc (discus triangularis)
    Triangular articular disc (discus triangularis)
  • The articular surfaces on the navicular, lunate and triquetrum bones (facies articularis ossis scaphoidei, ossis lunati et ossis triquetri).

    The joint capsule is attached along the edge of the articular surfaces.

    Wrist joint – back surface (art. radiocarpalis)
    Wrist joint – back surface (art. radiocarpalis)

    According to the classification, the joint is condylar, biaxial, complex, and combined (with the midcarpal joint (articulatio mediocarpalis))

    The following range of motions is possible in the joint:

  • Around the frontal axis: flexion and extension

  • Around the sagittal axis: abduction and adductio

  • When shifting from the frontal axis to the sagittal, circumduction is carried out

    The fixing apparatus of the joint is composed of several ligaments:

  • The radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint (ligamentum collaterale carpi radiale) is stretched between the styloid process of the radius and the navicular bone.

    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – palmar surface (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – palmar surface (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – back surface (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – back surface (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – sawing (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
    Radial collateral ligament of the wrist joint – sawing (lig. collaterale carpi radiale)
  • The ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint (ligamentum collaterale carpi ulnare) is located between the styloid process of the ulna on one side, as well as the triquetrum and pisiform bones on the other side.

    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint – palmar surface (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint – palmar surface (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint – back surface (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint - back surface (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint – sawing (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
    Ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist joint – sawing (lig. collaterale carpi ulnare)
  • The palmar radiocarpal ligament (ligamentum radiocarpale palmare) arises from the anterior edge of the articular surface of the radius and its separate bundles insert into the bones of the first row of the wrist and to the capitate bone.

    Palmar radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale palmare)
    Palmar radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale palmare)
    Palmar radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale palmare)
    Palmar radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale palmare)
  • The dorsal radiocarpal ligament (ligamentum radiocarpale dorsale) arises from the radius and inserts into the first row of wrist bones.

    Dorsal radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale dorsale)
    Dorsal radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale dorsale)
    Dorsal radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale dorsale)
    Dorsal radiocarpal ligament (lig. radiocarpale dorsale)

    This joint has no additional structures.

    The following vessels and nerves take part in the blood supply and innervation of the elbow joint.

  • Arteries: branches from the dorsal and palmar arterial plexuses of the wrist

  • Veins: the blood outflows through the veins with the same name.

  • Nerves: median nerve (n. medianus), ulnar nerve (n. ulnaris), radial nerve (n. radialis)


Radiocarpal (wrist) joint

wrist joint
articulatio radiocarpalis
os scaphoideum
os lunatum
os triquetrum
carpal articular surface of radius
facies carpalis radii
triangular fibrocartilage discus (TFC)
discus triangularis
radial articular surface of scaphoid, lunate,triquetrum
facies articularis radialis ossa scaphoideum,lunatum, triquetrum
midcarpal joint
articulatio mediocarpalis
radial collateral ligament of wrist joint
ligamentum collaterale carpi radiale
ulnar collateral ligament of wrist joint
ligamentum collaterale carpi ulnare
palmar radiocarpal ligament
ligamentum radiocarpale palmare
dorsal radiocarpal ligament
ligamentum radiocarpale dorsale
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