In this video we will consider the anatomy, areas of venous drainage, and anastomoses of posterior tibial veins.
Posterior tibial veins (vv. tibiales posteriores).
They are in the back of the leg. They are represented by two large venous trunks communicated with each other by small anastomoses.
In their course, they accompany the posterior tibial artery (a. tibialis posterior).
They provide venous outflow from the plantar region of the foot, ankle joint and leg muscles.
In their final section, they communicate with the anterior tibial veins (vv. tibiales anteriores).
forming the popliteal vein (v. poplitea).
The posterior tibial veins have several tributaries.
Medial plantar veins (vv. plantares mediales)
Lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares laterales)
The above veins receive blood from the plantar venous arch (arcus venosus plantaris).
It drains blood from the plantar metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales plantares).
which in turn drain blood from the common plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares communes).
And those veins drain blood from proper plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares propriae)
It is worth noting that the venous drainage of the dorsal and plantar region of the foot are communicated through an anastomosis between two venous arches – the plantar venous arch (arcus venosus plantaris) and the dorsal venous arch (arcus venosus dorsalis). The posterior tibial veins, in addition to many anastomoses with each other, communicate with the small saphenous vein of the lower limb (v. saphena parva),
which in turn anastomoses with the fibular veins (vv. fibulares).
Due to such a number of anastomoses, a powerful venous network is formed in the lower limb, which provides an intensive drainage of venous blood.
The posterior tibial vein
- Posterior tibial veins
- vv. tibiales posteriors
- Medial plantar vein
- v. plantaris medialis
- Lateral plantar vein
- v. plantaris lateralis
- Plantar venous arch
- arcus venosus plantaris
- Plantar metatarsal veins
- vv. metatarsales plantares
- Plantar digital veins
- v. digitales plantares
- Dorsal venosus arch
- arcus venosus dorsalis
- Small saphenous vein
- v. saphena parva
- Peroneal veins
- vv. fibulares
- Anterior tibial veins
- vv. tibiales anteriores
- Popliteal vein
- v. poplitea
- Femoral vein
- v. femorilis