Veins of the foot

Veins of the footAnatomical features of the veins of the foot, their tributaries and venous outflow areas
~ 3 min

In this note, we will consider the anatomy of the veins of the foot, areas of blood drainage, and anastomoses.

The venous system of the foot consists of two main types of deep veins:

  • plantar veins, which drain the plantar surface or the inferior part of the foot

  • and dorsal veins, which drain the dorsal surface of the foot.

Venous plexuses in the plantar areas of the toes merge to form plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares)

Plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name
Plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name

These veins communicate with their dorsal counterparts, the dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)

Dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)
Dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)

and form four plantar metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales plantares).

Plantar metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name
Plantar metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name

These veins pass proximally in the intermetatarsal spaces, and then continue to form a deep plantar venous arch (arcus venosus plantaris).

Deep plantar venous arch (arcus venosus plantaris)
Deep plantar venous arch (arcus venosus plantaris)

They end with the branching from the arch of the medial and lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares medialis et lateralis).

Medial and lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares medialis).- with the arteries of the same name
Medial and lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares medialis).- with the arteries of the same name
Medial and lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares lateralis) – with the arteries of the same name
Medial and lateral plantar veins (vv. plantares lateralis) – with the arteries of the same name

The dorsal venous arch (arcus venosus dorsalis)

Dorsal venous arch (arcus venosus dorsalis)
Dorsal venous arch (arcus venosus dorsalis)

is formed by dorsal metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales dorsales);

Dorsal metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales dorsales)
Dorsal metatarsal veins (vv. metatarsales dorsales)

which are also formed by dorsal and plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares et dorsales).

Dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)
Dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)
Plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name
Plantar digital veins (vv. digitales plantares) – with the arteries of the same name

Veins of the foot

Plantar digital veins
vv. digitales plantares
Dorsal digital veins
vv. digitales dorsales
Plantar metatarsal veins
vv. palmares plantares
Deep plantar venous arch
arcus venosus profundus
Medial and lateral plantar veins
vv. plantares medialis et lateralis
Dorsal venous arch
arcus venosus dorsalis
Dorsal metatarsal veins
vv. metatarsales dorsales
Dorsal and plantar digital veins
vv. digitales plantares et dorsales
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