In this video, we will consider the anatomy, areas of blood drainage, and anastomoses of the veins of the hand.
The veins of the hand drain blood from the tissues of the hand. They are divided into superficial and deep veins. The superficial muscles include:
Dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales)
Palmar digital veins (vv. digitales palmares)
The dorsal venous plexus (rete venosus dorsale)
Deep veins include:
The superficial venous palmar arch (arcus venosus palmaris superficialis)
The deep venous palmar arch (arcus venosus palmaris profundus).
Dorsal metacarpal veins (vv. metacarpales dorsales)
Palmar metacarpal veins (vv. metacarpales palmares)
Let’s consider the superficial veins of the hand in greater detail.
The dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales), 5 pairs, pass along the dorsal surface of the fingers along the arteries of the same name.
They drain the blood from the dorsal surface of the fingers of the hand.
Palmar digital veins (vv. digitales palmares), 5 pairs, pass along the borders of the palmar surface along the arteries of the same name. They drain blood from the palmar side of the fingers.
The dorsal venous plexus (rete venosus dorsale) is located in the area of the wrist and metacarpus of the dorsal surface of the hand. They lie superficially, drain blood from the dorsum of the digital veins and continue from the ulnar side into the basilic vein, and from the ulnar side into the cephalic vein. Also, a small additional cephalic vein often passes in the middle.
Let’s move on to the deep veins.
The superficial venous palmar arch (arcus venosus palmaris superficialis) is located under the palmar aponeurosis in the wrist area.
The common digital finger veins (vv. digitales palmares communes) end by it.
The arch continues into:
The radial vein (v. radialis)
The median antebrachial vein (v. antebrachii mediana)
The deep venous palmar arch (arcus venosus palmaris profundus) is located under the lumbricals.
The tributaries are the palmar metacarpal veins (vv. metacarpales palmares).
The arch ends by:
The ulnar vein (v. ulnaris)
The radial vein (v. radialis)
The dorsal metacarpal veins (vv. metacarpales dorsales) are located on the dorsal surface between the metacarpal bones.
They end by the dorsal venous plexus (rete venosus dorsale), the tributaries are the dorsal digital veins (vv. digitales dorsales).
Palmar metacarpal veins (vv. metacarpales palmares) arise from the common palmar digital veins (vv. digitales palmares communes) and pass to the deep venous arch (arcus venosus palmaris profundus).
Veins of the hand
- Dorsal digital veins
- vv. digitales dorsales
- Palmar digital veins
- vv. digitales palmares
- Dorsal venous network
- rete venosus dorsale
- Superficial venous palmar arch
- arcus venosus palmaris superficialis
- Deep venous palmararch
- arcus venosus palmaris profundus
- Dorsal metacarpal veins
- vv. metacarpales dorsales
- Palmar metacarpal veins
- vv. metacarpales palmares
- Common palmar digital veins
- vv. digitales palmarescommunes
- Radial vein
- v. radialis
- Median antebrachial vein
- v. antebrachii mediana
- Ulnar vein
- v. ulnaris