Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck

Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neckGroups of lymph nodes. Lymphatic drainage from the organs of the head and neck
~ 5 min

In this note, we are going to discuss the main lymph node groups of the head and neck, as well as the lymphatic drainage pathways from various tissues and organs in these regions.

Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck
Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck
Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck
Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck

The lymph nodes of the head are organized into several regional groups:

  • Occipital nodes are located posterior to the attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle along the occipital artery. They collect lymph from the skin and deep tissues of the occipital region. Lymph from these nodes drains into the lateral deep cervical nodes.
Occipital nodes
Occipital nodes
  • Mastoid nodes are found over the mastoid process, they collect lymph from the auricle and structures of the parietal region of the head. Lymph drains into the parotid, superficial cervical, and deep cervical nodes.
Mastoid nodes
Mastoid nodes
  • Parotid nodes are divided into superficial and deep nodes. The superficial nodes are located outside the capsule of the parotid gland. The deep nodes are found within the gland between its lobes.
Superficial parotid nodes
Superficial parotid nodes
Deep parotid nodes
Deep parotid nodes

Parotid nodes collect lymph from the parotid gland, skin of the forehead, external auditory canal, and adjacent structures.

  • Facial nodes are non-permanent and lie along the facial vessels, collecting lymph from the skin of the face, lips, and cheeks.
Facial nodes
Facial nodes

Key nodes in this group include: the buccinator node

Buccinator node | nodes
Buccinator node | nodes

and the mandibular node.

Mandibular node
Mandibular node

Lymph drains into the submandibular nodes.

  • Submental nodes are located in the submental triangle of the neck. They collect lymph from the mandible and the floor of the oral cavity.
Submental nodes
Submental nodes
  • Submandibular nodes are found anterior and posterior to the submandibular gland. They collect lymph from the teeth, gums, sublingual and submandibular glands, tonsils, and palate.
Submandibular nodes
Submandibular nodes

The lymph nodes of the neck are divided into several key groups:

  • Anterior cervical nodes, which are divided into superficial and deep nodes.

The superficial nodes collect lymph from the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the anterior neck region.

Anterior cervical nodes
Anterior cervical nodes

The deep nodes are classified into several groups based on their associated organs:

  • Thyroid nodes
  • Prelaryngeal nodes
  • Pretracheal nodes
  • Paratracheal nodes
Paratracheal nodes
Paratracheal nodes
Paratracheal nodes
Paratracheal nodes

These deep nodes collect lymph from the larynx, trachea, thyroid gland, and some muscles.

  • Lateral cervical nodes, which are divided into superficial and deep groups.

The superficial lateral nodes are located along the external jugular vein. They collect lymph from the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lateral neck region.

Lateral cervical nodes
Lateral cervical nodes

The deep lateral nodes are located along the internal jugular vein. They collect the majority of lymph from the organs of the head and neck.

Deep lateral cervical nodes
Deep lateral cervical nodes

The biggest nodes of this group include:

The jugulodigastric node, which plays a critical role in draining lymph from the oral cav ity, pharynx, and tongue.

Jugulodigastric node | nodes
Jugulodigastric node | nodes

The juguloomohyoid node, which is important for lymph drainage from the tongue.

Juguloomohyoid node | nodes
Juguloomohyoid node | nodes
  • Retropharyngeal nodes are located in the retropharyngeal space. They collect lymph from the pharynx, tonsils, and soft palate, directing it to the deep lateral nodes.
Retropharyngeal nodes
Retropharyngeal nodes
  • Accessory nodes are typically located along the external branch of the accessory nerve, collecting lymph from the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
Accessory nodes
Accessory nodes
  • Supraclavicular nodes are situated above the clavicle. They collect lymph from the thoracic organs, breast, and neck organs.
Supraclavicular nodes
Supraclavicular nodes

From peripheral tissues and organs, lymph initially flows into the regional lymph nodes of the head.

It then flows into the cervical nodes, predominantly the deep lateral cervical nodes.

Then it continues its flow into the right and left jugular trunks.

Right jugular trunk
Right jugular trunk
Left jugular trunk
Left jugular trunk

The right jugular trunk drains into the right lymphatic duct.

Right lymphatic duct
Right lymphatic duct

The left jugular trunk merges with the thoracic duct.

Thoracic duct
Thoracic duct

In some cases, the jugular trunks may drain directly into the venous angles.


Lymph nodes and vessels of the head and neck

Occipital nodes
nodi occipitales
Mastoid nodes
nodi mastoidei
Superficial parotid nodes
nodi parotidei superficiales
Deep parotid nodes
nodi parotidei profundi
Facial nodes
nodi faciales
Buccal node (Buccinator node)
nodus buccinatorius
Mandibular node
nodus mandibularis
Submental nodes
nodi submentales
Submandibular nodes
nodi submandibulares
Anterior superficial cervical nodes
nodi cervicales anteriores superficiales
Paratracheal nodes
nodi lymphoidei paratracheales
Lateral superficial cervical nodes
nodi cervicales laterales superficiales
Lateral deep cervical nodes
nodi cervicales laterales profundi
Jugulodigastric node
nodus jugulodigastricus
Juguloomohyoid node
nodus juguloomohyoideus
Retropharyngeal nodes
nodi retropharyngeales
Accessory nodes
nodi accessorii
Supraclavicular nodes
nodi supraclaviculares
Right jugular trunk
truncus jugularis dexter
Left jugular trunk
truncus jugularis sinister
Right lymphatic duct
ductus lymphaticus dexter
Thoracic duct
ductus thoracicus
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