In this pdf-note, we’ll start with the borders of the upper limb:
The anterior border is the deltopectoral groove
The posterior border is the posterior deltoid groove
Within the upper limb, there are many regions:
Deltoid region (regio deltoidea)
Axillary region (regio axillaris)
Anterior region of the arm (regio brachialis anterior)
Posterior region of the arm (regio brachialis posterior)
Anterior region of the elbow (regio cubitalis anterior)
Posterior region of the elbow (regio cubitalis posterior)
Anterior region of the forearm (regio antero brachialis anterior)
Posterior region of the forearm (regio anterobrachialis posterior)
Anterior region of the wrist (regio carpalis anterior)
Posterior region of the wrist (regio carpalis posterior)
Palmar region of the hand (regio palmaris manus)
Dorsal region of the hand (regio dorsalis manus)
Within these areas, the muscles of the upper limb are located.
These include:
Pectoral girdle muscles
Muscles of the free part of upper limb
The muscles of the free part of the upper limb are divided into:
Arm muscles
Forearm muscles
Hand muscles
There are three groups among the muscles of the hand:
The thenar eminence muscles (thenar) is the lateral group
The hypothenar eminence muscles (hypothenar) form the medial group
The middle muscle group
The middle muscle group includes:
Lumbricals muscles (mm. lumbricales)
Lumbricals muscles
(mm. lumbricales)Origin: tendon of the flexor digitorium profundus muscle
Insertion: these muscles pass to the radial side of the fingers 2-5, where they pass to the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanges and insert into the dorsal aponeuroses
Function: flex the proximal phalanges of fingers 2-5, extend the middle and distal phalanges of fingers 2-5
Innervation: first and second muscles are innvervated by the median nerve (C5-Th1), third and fourth muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve (C5-Th1)
Blood supply: superficial palmar arterial arch, deep palmar arterial arch
Palmar interossei muscles (mm. interossei palmares)
Palmar interossei muscles
(mm. interossei palmares)Origin:
The first muscle arises from the medial margin of the 2nd metacarpal
The second and the third muscles arise from the lateral margin of the 4th and the 5th metacarpals
The first muscle inserts into the medial surface of the capsule of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the 2nd finger
The second and the third muscles insert into the lateral surface of the capsules of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the fingers 4 and 5
Function: adducts fingers 2, 4 and 5 to the middle one
Innervation: ulnar nerve (C7-Th1)
Blood supply: deep palmar arterial arch
Dorsal interossei muscles (mm. interossei dorsales)
(mm. interossei dorsales)
Origin: surfaces of the metacarpals 1-5 facing each other
The first and the second muscles insert into the lateral surface of the proximal phalanges of the fingers 2 and 3
The third and the fourth muscles insert into the medial surface of the proxial phalanges of the fingers 3 and 4
Function: abducts fingers 1, 2, 4 from the middle one
Innervation: ulnar nerve (C7-Th1)
Blood supply: deep palmar arterial arch, posterior metacarpal arteries
Muscles of the hand
- Deltoid region
- regio deltoidea
- Axillary region
- regio axillaris
- Anterior region of the arm
- regio brachialis anterior
- Posterior region of the arm
- regio brachialis posterior
- Anterior region of the elbow
- regio cubitalis anterior
- Posterior region of the elbow
- regio cubitalis posterior
- Anterior region of the forearm
- regio anterobrachialis anterior
- Posterior region of the forearm
- regio anterobrachialis posterior
- Anterior region of the wrist
- regio carpalis anterior
- Posterior region of the wrist
- regio carpalis posterior
- Palmar region of the hand
- regio palmaris manus
- Dorsal region of the hand
- regio dorsalis manus
- Thenar eminence
- thenar
- Hypothenar eminence
- hypothenar
- Lumbricals muscles
- mm. lumbricales
- Palmar interossei muscles
- mm. interossei palmares
- Dorsal interossei muscles
- mm. interossei dorsales