Inferior nasal concha

Inferior nasal concha: Anatomy & FunctionKey facts about the anatomy of the inferior nasal concha.
~ 3 min

Let us examine the structure of the inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior). At the top, it is connected with the conchal crest of the maxilla and the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone.

Inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior)
Inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior)

From the superior border of this bone depart three processes:

  • lacrimal process (processus lacrimalis), which is connected to the lacrimal bone

Lacrimal process (processus lacrimalis)
Lacrimal process (processus lacrimalis)
  • maxillary process (processus maxillaris), which is slightly covering the maxillary hiatus

    Maxillary process (processus maxillaris)
    Maxillary process (processus maxillaris)
  • ethmoidal process (processus ethmoidalis), which is connected to the uncinate process of the ethmoidal bone

Ethmoidal process (processus ethmoidalis)
Ethmoidal process (processus ethmoidalis)

The inferior nasal meatus (meatus nasalis inferior) is formed under the inferior nasal concha

Inferior nasal meatus (meatus nasalis inferior)
Inferior nasal meatus (meatus nasalis inferior)

Inferior nasal concha

inferior nasal concha
concha nasalis inferior
lacrimal process
processus lacrimalis
maxillary process
processus maxillaris
ethmoidal process
processus ethmoidalis
inferior nasal meatus
meatus nasalis inferior
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