Lumbar vertebrae

Lumbar vertebrae: Anatomy & FunctionKey facts about the anatomy of the lumbar vertebrae
~ 3 min

In this PDF note we are going to talk about the anatomy of the 5 lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales). By and large, they have a typical structure, with the exception of some characteristic features.

Lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales)
Lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales)

Since the lumbar vertebrae carry a heavy load (that is, they carry the entire upper half of the body), their vertebral body (corpus vertebrae) is rather large.

Vertebral body (corpus vertebrae)
Vertebral body (corpus vertebrae)

The vertebral foramen (foramen vertebrale) is also large.

Vertebral foramen (foramen vertebrale)
Vertebral foramen (foramen vertebrale)

The articular processes are located virtually in the sagittal plane. The superior articular surfaces (facies articularis superior) of the superior articular processes (processus articularis superior) face inward, and the inferior articular surfaces (facies articularis inferior) of the inferior articular processes (processus articularis inferior) face outward.

Superior articular process (processus articularis superior)
Superior articular process (processus articularis superior)
Inferior articular process (processus articularis inferior)
Inferior articular process (processus articularis inferior)

In addition, there is a small rudimentary mammilary process (processus mamillaris) on the superior articular process.

Mammilary process (processus mamillaris)
Mammilary process (processus mamillaris)

The transverse process (processus transversus) of the lumbar vertebra splits into two processes — the costal process (processus costalis) and the accessory process (processus accessorius).

Costal process (processus costalis)
Costal process (processus costalis)
Accessory process (processus accessorius)
Accessory process (processus accessorius)

Lumbar vertebrae

vertebrae lumbales
lumbal vertebrae
corpus vertebrae
vertebral body
foramen vertebrale
vertebral foramen
processus articularis superior
superior articular process
processus articularis inferior
inferior articular process
facies articularis superior
superior articular facet
facies articularis inferior
inferior articular facet
processus mamillaris
mammilary process
processus transversus
transverse process
processus costalis
costal process
processus accessorius
accessory process
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