
Sternum: Anatomy & FunctionKey facts about the anatomy of the sternum
~ 3 min

The thorax consists of ribs, the sternum, and thoracic vertebrae.


The sternum has three parts:

  • The manubrium (manubrium sterni)

Manubrium (manubrium sterni)
Manubrium (manubrium sterni)
  • The body (corpus sterni)

    Body (corpus sterni)
    Body (corpus sterni)
  • The xiphoid process (processus xiphoideus)

Xiphoid process (processus xiphoideus)
Xiphoid process (processus xiphoideus)

The jugular notch (incisura jugularis) is located on the upper edge of the handle.

Jugular notch (incisura jugularis)
Jugular notch (incisura jugularis)

The clavicular notch (incisura clavicularis) is located to the side (on each side) and is connected with the clavicle.

Clavicular notch (incisura clavicularis)
Clavicular notch (incisura clavicularis)

A costal notch (incisura costalis) for articulation with the cartilage of rib I and a notch for articulation with the superior edge of the cartilage of rib II are distinguished on the lateral surface of the handle.

The inferior edge of the cartilage of rib II is attached to the body of the sternum. The ribs III-VII are connected to the corresponding fossae on the body of the sternum.

The ribs are not attached to the xiphoid process.

Costal notch (incisura costalis)
Costal notch (incisura costalis)

The sternal angle (angulus sterni), which slightly projects forward, is formed at the junction of the handle and the body of the sternum.

The infrasternal angle (angulus infrasternalis) is the angle that is formed below the xiphoid process when the rib arches join the sternum.

Infrasternal angle (angulus infrasternalis)
Infrasternal angle (angulus infrasternalis)


manubrium sterni
manubrium of sternum
corpus sterni
body of sternum
processus xiphoideus
xiphoid process
incisura jugularis
jugular notch
incisura clavicularis
clavicular notch
incisura costalis
costal notch
angulus sterni
sternal angle
angulus infrasternalis
infrasternal angle
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