Let us examine the vomer (vomer). It is an unpaired bone, located in the nasal cavity and it is one of the components of the nasal septum.
The posteroinferior part of the vomer is bifurcated and forms two alae (alae vomeris). Between these alae on the cranium are the rostrum and the crest of the body of the sphenoid bone.
Also this part of the bone is called the cuneiform part of the vomer (pars cuneiformis vomeris).
At the posterior border of the bone lies the vomerine crest of the choana (crista choanalis vomeris), which divides the choanae — the posterior openings of the nasal cavity.
Along virtually the entire bone runs the vomerine groove (sulcus vomeris), which, together with the rostrum of the sphenoidal bone, forms the sphenovomerine suture (sutura sphenovomerialis).
- vomer
- vomer
- ala of vomer
- alae vomeris
- vomerine crest of choana
- crista choanalis vomeris
- cuneiform part of vomer
- pars cuneiformis vomeris
- vomerine groove
- sulcus vomeris
- sphenovomerine suture
- sutura sphenovomerialis