We are now going to examine the zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum). It is a paired bone, which is a connection between the neurocranium and the viscerocranium.
It has the following surfaces:
lateral surface (facies lateralis)
orbital surface (facies orbitalis)
temporal surface (facies temporalis)
There are also two processes that are derived from the bone:
frontal process (processus frontalis)
temporal process (processus temporalis)
On the orbital surface is the zygomatico-orbital foramen (foramen zygomaticoorbitale), which extends into the canal.
This canal splits and opens with two foramina:
On the lateral surface, there is the zygomaticofacial foramen (foramen zygomaticofaciale), in which the zygomatic nerve passes.
On the temporal surface, there is the zygomaticotemporal foramen (foramen zygomaticotemporale), in which the zygomaticotemporal nerve passes.
The frontal process is connected to the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. The frontal process has a small eminentia orbitalis (eminentia orbitalis).
There is a marginal tubercle (tuberculum marginale) in the area of the posterior border of the process.
The temporal process is connected to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, forming the zygomatic arch (arcus zygomaticus).
Zygomatic bone
- zygomatic bone
- os zygomaticum
- lateral surface
- facies lateralis
- orbital surface
- facies orbitalis
- temporal surface
- facies temporalis
- frontal process
- processus frontalis
- temporal process
- processus temporalis
- zygomatico-orbitalforamen
- foramenzygomaticoorbitale
- zygomaticofacial foramen
- foramen zygomaticofaciale
- zygomaticotemporalforamen
- foramenzygomaticotemporale
- eminentia orbitalis
- eminentia orbitalis
- marginal tubercle
- tuberculum marginale
- zygomatic arch
- arcus zygomaticus