In this note, we will consider the anatomy of the ovaries. These are organs of the female reproductive system.
Each ovary (ovarium) serves for the development and maturation of female germ cells (oocytes), and also produces female sex hormones.

The ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity in the area of the ovarian fossa (fossa ovarica). It has the following borders:
- Superiorly: external iliac artery and vein (a. et v. iliacae externae)
- Anteriorly: place where the posterior sheath of the broad ligament of the uterus passes into the parietal peritoneum
- Inferiorly: umbilical artery
- Posteriorly: the internal artery and vein
It is projected into the right and left inguinal regions of the anterior abdominal wall.
It is located between the S1 and S2.
- The uterus is located on the medial side.

- Ampulla of the uterine tube is located on the lateral side.

- Uterine tube is located superiorly.

- Broad ligament of the uterus is located anteriorly.

In relation to the peritoneum, the ovaries are located intraperitoneally, the peritoneum covering the ovary is poorly developed and consists of the germinal epithelium.
Macroscopic structure
The ovary has two surfaces:
1. Medial surface (facies medialis), which is facing towards the uterus.

2. Lateral surface (facies lateralis), which adheres to the wall of the lesser pelvis.

In places where the surfaces pass into one another, borders are formed:
- The free border (margo liber), which is directed posteriorly.

2. The mesovarian border (margo mesovaricus), which faces forward and fuses with the posterior sheath of the broad ligament of the uterus.

The ovary, like other parenchymal organs, has a place of entry for vessels and nerves, namely the hilum of the ovary (hilum ovarii).

Also, the ovary has two extremities:
1. The tubal extremity (extremitas tubaria), which is attached to the uterine tube.

2. The uterine extremity (extremitas uterina), which is connected to the uterus by means of the proper ligament of the ovary (lig. ovarii proprium)

The ovary is fixed in its place by a number of ligaments:
The suspensory ligament of the ovary (lig. suspensorium ovarii), which is a fold of the peritoneum, which starts at the line of entry into the lesser pelvis and descends to the tubal extremity of the ovary. It contains the vessels and nerves of the ovary, dense connective tissue, and bundles of smooth muscles.

- The proper ligament of the ovary (lig. ovarii proprium), which passes through the thickness of the broad ligament of the uterus, it connects its tubular extremity with the fundus of the uterus.

- The mesentery of the ovary (mesovarium), which also fixes the ovary.

It is a part of the broad ligament of the uterus, heading to the anterior (mesovarian) border of the ovary.
- Intra-abdominal pressure, which is not a ligament but plays a significant role in fixing the ovary.
The ovary is covered on all sides with a peritoneum, and under it is the tunica albuginea (tunica albuginea).

Microscopic structure
The ovarian stroma (stroma ovarii) consists of fibrous connective tissue.

In the section with the naked eye, you can see 2 zones in the parenchyma of the ovary:
1. The medulla (medulla ovarii), which is shifted to the hilum of the ovary and produces female sex hormones called estrogens.

2. The cortex (cortex ovarii), which is located on the periphery and contains the follicles.

In some ovaries, we can observe the corpus luteum (corpus luteum), a ruptured follicle from which an oocyte came out.

After these events, it transforms into a temporary gland, which is needed to protect the pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum atrophies.
Blood supply
- The ovarian artery (a. ovarica)
- Ovarian branches (rr. ovarici)
Venous drainage
- The uterine venous plexus (plexus venosus uterinus)
- The inferior vena cava (v. cava inferior)
Lymph drainage
Lymph flows mainly into the lumbar lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici lumbales)
- Parasympathetic innervation is provided by the pelvic splanchnic nerve.
- Afferent innervation is provided by sensitive fibers coming from the superior lumbar spinal ganglia.
- Sympathetic innervation is provided by the abdominal aortic plexus.
Anatomy of the ovaries
- Female genitalia
- organa genitalia feminina
- Ovary
- ovarium
- Uterus
- uterus
- Uterine tubes
- tuba uterina
- Vagina
- vagina
- Mons pubis
- mons pubis
- Labia majora
- labia majora pudendi
- Labia minora
- labia minora pudendi
- Greater vestibular glands
- glandulae vestibulares majores
- Lesser vestibular glands
- glandulae vestibulares minores
- Bulb of the vestibule
- bulbus vestibuli
- Clitoris
- clitoris
- Hymen
- hymen
- Mammary gland
- mamma
- Ovarian fossa
- fossa ovarica
- External iliac artery and vein
- a. et v. iliacae externae
- Medial surface
- facies medialis
- Lateral surface
- facies lateralis
- Free border
- margo liber
- Mesovarian border
- margo mesovaricus
- Hilum of the ovary
- hilum ovarii
- Tubal extremity
- extremitas tubaria
- Uterine extremity
- extremitas uterina
- Proper ligament of the ovary
- lig. ovarii proprium
- Suspensory ligament of the ovary
- lig. suspensorium ovarii
- Mesentery of the ovary
- mesovarium
- Tunica albuginea
- tunica albuginea
- Medulla of the ovary
- medulla ovarii
- Cortex of the ovary
- cortex ovarii
- Corpus luteum
- corpus luteum
- Ovarian artery
- a. ovarica
- Ovarian branches
- rr. ovarici
- Uterine venous plexus
- plexus venosus uterinus
- Inferior vena cava
- v. cava inferior
- Lumbar lymph nodes
- nodi lymphatici lumbales
- Ovarian stroma
- stroma ovarii