The bones of the lower extremity (ossa membri inferioris) are divided into the bones of the pelvic girdle (cingulum membri inferioris) and the bones of the free part of the lower extremity (pars libera membri inferioris).
The bones of the girdle are the following:
sacrum (os sacrum)
hip bone (os coxae), which is formed by three fused bones:
ilium (os ilium)
ischium (os ischii)
pubis (os pubis)
The bones of the free part are:
femur (femur/os femoris)
tibia (tibia)
fibula (fibula)
tarsal bones (ossa tarsi)
metatarsals / metatarsal bones (ossa metatarsi)
phalanges (phalanges/ossa digitorum)
All bones are paired and connected to each other so that the lower extremity can carry heavy loads and the weight of the whole body.
Bones of the lower extremity
- bones of lower limb
- ossa membri inferioris
- pelvic girdle
- cingulum membri inferioris
- free partof lower limb
- pars libera membri inferioris
- sacrum
- os sacrum
- hip bone
- os coxae
- ilium
- os ilium
- ischium
- os ischii
- pubis
- os pubis
- femur
- femur / os femoris
- tibia
- tibia
- fibula
- fibula
- tarsal bones
- ossa tarsi
- metatarsals
- ossa metatarsi
- phalanges
- phalanges / ossa digitorum