~ 3 min
The cranium (cranium) consists of two parts: the neurocranium and the viscerocranium. Each division consists of several bones.

The neurocranium (neurocranium) includes the following bones:
Unpaired bones:
frontal bone (os frontale)

sphenoid (os sphenoidale)
Sphenoid (os sphenoidale) occipital bone (os occipitale)
Occipital bone (os occipitale) ethmoidal bone (os ethmoidale)
Ethmoidal bone (os ethmoidale) Paired bones:
parietal bone (os parietale)
Parietal bone (os parietale) temporal bone (os temporale)
Temporal bone (os temporale) The viscerocranium (viscerocranium) includes the following bones:
Paired bones:
maxilla (maxilla)
Maxilla (maxilla)
palatine bone (os palatinum)
Palatine bone (os palatinum) nasal bone (os nasale)
Nasal bone (os nasale) lacrimal bone (os lacrimale)
Lacrimal bone (os lacrimale) zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum)
Zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum) inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior)
Inferior nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior)
Unpaired bones:
mandible (mandibula)
Mandible (mandibula) vomer (vomer)
Vomer (vomer) hyoid bone (os hyoideum)

Bones of the Skull
- cranium
- cranium
- neurocranium
- neurocranium
- frontal bone
- os frontale
- sphenoid
- os sphenoidale
- occipital bone
- os occipitale
- ethmoidal bone
- os ethmoidale
- parietal bone
- os parietale
- temporal bone
- os temporale
- viscerocranium
- viscerocranium
- maxilla
- maxilla
- palatine bone
- os palatinum
- nasal bone
- os nasale
- lacrimal bone
- os lacrimale
- zygomatic bone
- os zygomaticum
- inferior nasal concha
- concha nasalis inferior
- mandible
- mandibula
- vomer
- vomer
- hyoid bone
- os hyoideum